Brief overview of Freedom Fair volunteer opportunities

Most of the job listed below need to be filled in shifts all day July 4th. Others are clearly needed before and after the event day. We would like to have volunteers work a four-hour shift but longer is welcome.

Zone Managers - Zone Managers are in charge of seeing to it that all event activities happening in a designated area of the festival go as planned. This includes maintaining the security of the area, looking out for the safety of the audience, supervising volunteers, keeping the area clean and insuring that signs and banners are posted correctly. Zone managers help direct vendors to the correct setup location and cars to the correct parking areas. They also assist performers and other participants in getting to the correct area and supervise the setup of booths, exhibits, or other activities scheduled in the assigned zone. Look for and report problems to the command center.

Stage Managers - Responsible for activity on and behind the stage. This includes making sure the stage is set up for the performance, decorations and banners are in place. Stage managers should watch for and greet the performers as they arrive and assist them with loading and unloading of equipment as needed. Be sure that water is available for the performers at all times and that they know were to park, where to find the restrooms, and how to exit the area when they depart. Assist the sound technicians as needed but don't get in their way, help keep the performance schedule on time (work closely with the Zone Manager) and the area safe and clean.

Master of Ceremonies - Responsible for introducing performers, reading sponsor credits and making announcements. Work with the Stage Manager and sound technicians to help make things go smoothly. Serve as greeter and answer questions for the audience as needed. Help to keep the stage and area safe and clean.

Security Staff - Under the supervision of the Safety Director, Security Staff will aid in crowd control, answer questions, assist the audience and control access to parking areas.

Access Control Staff - Responsible for checking credentials at sites that require an invitation, badge or other credentials for admittance.

Activity Assistant - Assist in making activities or event areas run smoothly. This includes helping to setup and cleanup of the area and keeping it clean during the event. (Family Fun Zone, Pole Vault Meet, Car Show, Helicopter Landing Area, & Hospitality)

Exhibit Assistant - Responsibilities include helping to greet and place an exhibitor then assist in protecting the display from damage and answering questions about the exhibit.

Sales - Sell event merchandise and provide general information to the audience.

Office Help - At times during the year we will need administrative assistance with data entry, mailings, filing. Answer the telephone in the event office and deal with questions asked by the general public and vendors as needed. Run errands as needed.

Information Booth - Assist the general public and festival participants by staffing an information booth and answering questions about the event and providing directions.

Volunteer Center - Greet the volunteers and sign them in. Help direct the volunteers to their job assignment and answer questions. Help make them feel welcome and appreciated.

Technical Support - Assist the event staff with technical assignments as needed. (Please let us know about any special skills you have that may be helpful to the event.)

Set-up - Assist the festival staff set up the event venues and communications. Some of these jobs will involve physical activity. The set-up team will lift and load tents, tables, chairs, supplies, signs and banners. They will be asked to move equipment to an assigned location, assemble it and make the area ready for use. Team members will also be responsible for hanging banners, placing signs and placing decorations.

Breakdown - Assist festival staff in breaking down the event be reversing everything done by the set-up team.

Vendor Management Team - Responsibilities are split to include greeting vendors as they arrive at the festival and directing them to their assigned booth location, assisting the vendors to speed the unloading process. Part of the job is getting the vendors to move their vehicles to the assigned parking area a soon as they unload so other vendors will have room to unload as they arrive. We need people to provide a high level of customer service for the vendors by maintaining contact with them from set-up to tear down. They like to have someone to keep an eye on their stuff when they move their cars, get something to eat or leave to use the rest room. The vendors need to be provided instructions and supervision to see to it that they are following the rules. At the end of the day the vendor management team members need to help the non-food vendors move their things to their cars because they will not be able to pull vehicles onto the street and into the crowd. We also need help collecting report of sales forms and making sure they do not leave boxes or litter in their booth area as they clear out.

The Morning After Clean-up Team - This group walks the waterfront and Old Town area to pick-up litter and return the waterfront to the community in a condition better that we found it. Help with any left over tear down projects and returning things to where we got them.

Misc. - For the truly adventurous, allow us to place you.

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Tacoma Events Commission
759 Market Street
Tacoma, WA 98402-3711
Fax: (253) 682-1448

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