Volunteer Application
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Or fill out our form online:
City: State: Zip Code:
Phone (home): Phone (work):
Email Address:

Occupation: Are you over age 18: YesNo
Have you ever been a Freedom Fair volunteer before? YesNo
If YES, when and in what capacity?
Year: Capacity:
Year: Capacity:
How did you hear about volunteering for the Freedom Fair?
Do you have any physical conditions that would alter the type of work you can do? No Yes
If yes, please describe condition:
On what Freedom Fair days can you work? July 2 July 3 July 4 July 5 July 6
Time of day preference?
AM PM Only before Only after
This portion must be completed and signed
before you can be assigned work.
I agree to indemnify, discharge and hold harmless the Freedom Fair, the Tacoma Events Commission, the Metropolitan Park District of Tacoma and the City of Tacoma for any injury or loss received in connection with my attendance or participation as a volunteer in the Tacoma Freedom Fair.

Name of Parent/Guardian:
(if volunteer is under 18)

For more information on volunteering, click on one of the red links below:

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Tacoma Events Commission
759 Market Street
Tacoma, WA 98402-3711
Fax: (253) 682-1448

© Copyright 2004. Tacoma Freedom Fair
Web Development by www.ThorLoki.com