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Food and Non-Food
Vendor and Exhibitor Registration of Interest

Vendors interested in participating in the upcoming Tacoma Freedom Fair should complete this form. Completion of this form does not mean you have applied, it just lets us know you're interested, puts you in our database or updates your info in our database.

Contact Information
Business Name:
Contact Name:
First: Last:
Zip Code + 4
Business Phone
Fax Number
Home Phone
Email Address
Website Address

Food/Beverage Vendor (Check everything you sell)
Beverages Ice Cream Hamburgers
Hotdogs Deli Sandwiches Curly Fries
Chinese Japanese Vietnamese
Thai Greek/Mediterranean Candy
BBQ Pork BBQ Chicken BBQ Beef
Mexican Specialty Vegetables Italian
Espresso Shaved Ice Other

Arts and Crafts - Handmade by the vendor (Check everything you sell)
Fabric Jewelry Glass/Ceramics
Painting Photography Wood
Toy Crafts Furniture Wearable Art
Sculpture Music Other

Commercial Vendor - (Commercial business and vendors of imported or mass produced goods)
Clothing Jewelry Glass/Ceramics
Recording Automotive Accessories Wood Products
Novelties Pet Products Health Services
Toys Furniture Home & Garden
Sunglasses Aviation Other

Non-Sales Exhibitor - (check one)
Public Service Information Community Group
Commercial Business Services Political Information
List the type and a description of information you plan to distribute

Rides & Amusements - (Please describe)

Display & Operation Information
Do you need electricity? yes no
Can you operate without power supplied by the event? yes no
How many Amps does your equipment draw?
Please indicate the type of plug you need:
Do you have a built-in generator or a freestanding generator?
Total Watts your equipment draws:
What do you vend from?
Do you need a fresh water supply? yes no
Do you need BBQ space? yes no
Do you use propane? yes no
Tank size # of tanks used
Do you need a parking spot for a trailer, motorhome, over-size truck?
How many parking stalls do you require?

Booth Type (Check the one you want)
Handmade art & crafts
Commercial (non-food)
Commercial or Crafts
Food booth or rigs
Food or Bev. Cart

Please Describe Your Concession:
What dates are you looking to fill in you schedule?
Special Events
Would you be interested in working the Tacoma Freedom Fair (July 4th) yes no
What dates will you not consider?
Region or area you wish to operate:
Type of events you are seeking:
Desired attendance:



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Tacoma Events Commission
759 Market Street
Tacoma, WA 98402

(253) 682-1446
Fax: (253) 682-1448

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