Food Vendors:
Arrival Instructions*


*This is an example of the letter you will receive if you are selected to be at the Freedom Fair. We have this letter here for you to read so that you can be prepared for some of the requirements you will need to meet before you can attend.

Dear Freedom Fair Food Vendor:

Welcome to the Tacoma Freedom Fair and Airshow. You will be joining a select group of vendors and exhibitors we have determined will help us provide the best quality and variety of products and services to our audience. Everything is on track for a great event!

Please study the detailed arrival and setup instructions we will provide! Do not lose these materials, every piece is very important and needs to be read and understood before you arrive. This will be our last contact with you prior to your arrival at the event.

We will register your business with the City of Tacoma as a temporary event vendor and will be paying your city B & O taxes, but you are still responsible for all state and federal taxes.

Accepted food vendors must show proof you have a minimum of $1,000,000 in liability insurance and a "proof of insurance certificate" must be sent to us by your provider. Your insurance company must list: Tacoma Events Commission; City of Tacoma; Impression Productions, and Metropolitan Park District of Tacoma, as an "additional insured" on the certificate of insurance! We must have the certificate by June 30th. If we do not have your insurance certificate you will not be permitted to operate.


By now you should have made contact the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department at (253) 798-6460 to make arrangements for your Temporary Food Service Establishment Permit and health inspection. Your food handlers need a health card to work in your booth. Please don't call us about this requirement! Call the Health Department if you have any questions. You are responsible for passing your health inspection, not us! We will have cold running water available for you so bring a hose. We will not have a three-compartment sink available, so please plan accordingly.

Call the Inspector at the Tacoma Fire Department at (253) 591-5758 if you have any questions about their "Booth Vendor Requirements". You are responsible for passing a fire inspection! Don't forget to bring a fire extinguisher! See the rules sheet we have enclosed.

If you need electricity be sure to send back the electrical power order form in with the correct fee for the power you need. It is very important that you calculate you electrical needs correctly, under ordering will mean you won't have the power you need on the day of the event!

You have been assigned a load-in time, it is on the white pass provided. Please arrive on time and be prepared to unload quickly and get out of the way so the vendor next to you can unload. Please note that most food vendors are scheduled to setup the evening before the event day. We will have a security guard on duty all night to watch your equipment but please do not leave small valuables out where they can be seen.

We have provided you with detailed arrival instructions, but they only work if you read them. Please study the maps showing your arrival path and assigned parking area. Every vendor will have one pass to park a standard size vehicle not far from the booth (good for supplies), and a spare pass to a parking lot a little farther away good for staff parking. Plan to bring everything you will need for the day because if you leave the area you can't get back in to some of the parking lots once the event starts. Display your pass on the dashboard or front window at all times.

You have been provided OFFICIAL VENDOR identification for your booth. It must be displayed clearly on the front of your booth.

Coke is the official soft drink supplier to the Freedom Fair. They will be on site to supply your needs and provide you sales materials such as ice barrels. All vendors will sell 20oz plastic bottles of soft drinks for $_____. The product will be available on site or in advance from Coca-Cola Tacoma. Your cost will be _____ per case and Coke will buy back-unsold product in quantities of 24. No fountain drinks and no Pepsi products or signs please! Ice will also be available for you to buy at the festival.

We do not want any vendor to distribute plastic cup lids, straws, or condiments in the small plastic packages. Pleases make other arrangements for providing your customers with condiments. All vendors are required to keep their sales area clean and free of trash. Flatten and bundle all cardboard boxes. DO NOT PLACE YOUR BULK TRASH IN THE ROUND TRASH CONTAINERS; USE THE LARGE DUMPSTER LOCATED NEXT TO THE COCA-COLA TRUCK AND THE ICE SUPPLIER.

All food vendors must turn in a report of sales form and pay 10% of their gross sales at the end of the evening.

We look forward to seeing you have a very successful stay at Tacoma's 4th of July Extravaganza! I'm pleased to welcome you to our event.


Doug Miller
Executive Director

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Tacoma Events Commission
759 Market Street
Tacoma, WA 98402
(253) 682-1446
Fax: (253) 682-1448

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