Tacoma Freedom Fair Boaters Info

Freedom Fair - A Boater’s Paradise
Enjoy the show from the water on the 4th of July and be safe.
NOTICE TO MARINERS – All boaters should be aware there will not be a log boom this year.
All boats must stay clear of the rectangular area the air show pilots are confined to for their performance. This area, referred to as the “air box,” will now extend out 3,500 feet from the Ruston Way shoreline between The Lobster Shop Restaurant and the Old Town Dock. During both the air show practice (10:30 – 11:30AM) and the main air show (1:30 – 3:30PM), Coast Guard and FAA regulations prohibit unauthorized boats and people from being inside the air box. (See the PDF map of the Air Box). Make sure you stay clear of the air box until after the air show ends at approximately 3:30. Tune to KLAY 1180 AM for live coverage of the air show and to receive notices.
Click here to view more aerial maps.
Mariners are also advised the U.S. Coast Guard and safety regulations require boaters to stay at least 1,500 feet clear of the fireworks barge before and during the fireworks show. The barge will be located 2,500 feet off shore from Katie Downs Restaurant, in line with the North 36th Street hill, in the center of the air box at the midpoint of the event site. Find detailed maps of these areas in our Aerial Maps section.
Any unauthorized boat entering these areas will force stoppage of the air show and the fireworks. They are subject to penalty issued by the U.S. Coast Guard.
The Old Town Dock and the floats at the Silver Cloud Inn will also be closed all day on the Fourth of July. Please be a responsible and respectful boat operator. Follow the rules and enjoy the ultimate Fourth of July experience without interfering with the presentation of the festival. After the air show you are welcome to move in close to shore and drop anchor.
Check out the FAQ page which has a few items for boaters.
Important Information for Boaters
These 2 PDF documents from the Coast Guard explain the official safety zones for the air show and the fireworks barge. Boaters in the area must be aware of this information, there can be fines and other penalties for violations of these safety zones:
Coast Guard Notice of Safety Zone for Freedom Fair Airshow
Coast Guard Notice of Safety Zone for Freedom Fair Fireworks